
My Approach to Homeopathic Remedies

I take a holistic approach to your health, meaning that I look into your mental and emotional state while helping you with your physical conditions.

Case-taking process

During the case-taking, which involves a detailed enquiry of your individual symptoms including likes, dislikes, and lifestyle, I will gain an understanding of you as a “whole” person. I will then prescribe some homeopathic remedies that are carefully chosen just for you. At times, I may also prescribe some biochemic tissue salts, similar to nutritional supplements, to support the healing process.

Your next appointment

Follow-up appointments for ongoing or chronic complaints are usually scheduled after two weeks or one month, depending on the condition. As you start feeling better and homeopathic remedies begin to work, appointments will become less frequent.

Acute complaints may need a follow-up every few days until the complaint is resolved.

Book an appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine developed by a German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann in 1810. “Homeo” means similar and “pathos” means suffering. It is a scientific system of medicine with clear principles of healing.

Hahnemann, through systematic experiments, observed that natural substances had an effect on the healthy human organism. He then began a series of experiments and found that these natural substances, when diluted and shaken in a systematic manner, had their curative powers activated.

This gave rise to the main principle of homeopathy - the Law of Similars - that when a substance in large doses causes certain symptoms, in small doses (dilutions) it can cure these same symptoms.

In holistic therapies, a disease is seen as an imbalance of the body. The signs and symptoms experienced by a patient are not the actual disease but an expression or language of the body’s imbalance. The patient “throws out” all these signs and symptoms in an attempt to restore the body’s balance again.

Homeopathic remedies work by supporting the body’s defense system to restore this balance.

Think about the homeopathic remedies as an energy signal that matches the energy pattern of the body - this is what we mean when we say that in homeopathy, ‘like cures like’. Upon entering the body, the homeopathic remedy’s healing energy provides an “energy boost” to every cell of the body to complete the healing and detoxification process, so that it can find a balance again.

Homeopathy views you as an integrated, “whole-being”. For example if you are experiencing achy pains and grief, along with gastric disturbances, these symptoms are not evaluated separately. Everything about you, whether mental, emotional or physical is linked. This detailed questioning will allow me to find a remedy that matches your unique symptom pattern.

I will ask you questions around various aspects of your life - food preferences, sleep patterns, fears and aspirations, your medical history, etc. These questions will give me an understanding of you so that I can prescribe a remedy that best addresses all aspects of your self - mental, emotional and physical.

For acute conditions, you can expect to experience relief fairly quickly. For chronic ailments, the length of homeopathic remedies you have to take will depend upon the duration of the condition, the state of your defense mechanism, and other lifestyle stressors factors.

Avoid coffee in all forms, including in desserts and chocolates. Coffee is a powerful stimulant and has been clinically shown to antidote the effect of homeopathic remedies on the body.

Homeopathy Remedies treat the whole person, not the symptoms in isolation. Over-the-counter homeopathic preparations will work only symptomatically. These preparations do not take into account your condition in synergy with your mental and emotional state. From my experience, over-the-counter homeopathic remedies provide relief, but they do not address the root cause of the imbalance. There is a high likelihood that the ailment will re-occur when treated in this symptomatic manner.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. - The World Health Organisation (WHO)

About Daze

Sanctuary Wellness Homeopathy

Holistic approach

Individualised treatment

Suitable for all life stages



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